即将到达东路149号. 俄亥俄州桑达斯基的沃特街

The upcoming launch of the 家庭必威betwat服务医疗中心 and 药店 at 149 E. 水街 marks a significant milestone for residents of the Erie County community, who have long struggled with a lack of access to quality healthcare services. This new medical facility is poised to make a profound impact on the health and well-being of this community. 多年来, residents of the Erie County community have traveled long distances or gone without medical care due to a shortage of healthcare providers in the area, and as a result there are higher rates of chronic illness, 可预防的必威betwat问题, 以及其他负面的必威betwat结果.

The 家庭必威betwat服务医疗中心 and 药店 is set to change that. 拥有最先进的设施, and a team of experienced and compassionate medical professionals, the medical center will provide much-needed access to primary and preventative care services, as well as specialized care for chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. 除了这些基本服务之外, the medical center will also offer mental health services and substance abuse treatment programs, addressing the growing need for mental health support in the community. The center will also offer a full-scale pharmacy, as well as free transportation to and from patient appointments.

The opening of this new medical facility represents a turning point for the Erie County community, offering a glimmer of hope and a promise of better health outcomes for years to come. Those who have struggled with access to healthcare in the past, can look forward to receiving the care and support they need to enjoy happier, 更必威betwat的生活.

The 家庭必威betwat服务医疗中心 and 药店 is a testament to the power of community collaboration and commitment to improving the lives of those who live and work in underserved areas. Firelands Health continues to be a substantial collaborative partner for FHS and our success. Renovations are currently set to be completed in February 2024! We look forward to seeing the many positive impacts this center will have on the health and well-being of the Erie County community in the years to come.

家庭必威betwat服务医疗中心 & 药店 

Our 任务 is to continue to provide outstanding and affordable patient care in an area that has historically been medically underserved. 我们的愿景 is to expand the newly created programs to our new satellite locations and increase access to EVERYONE. To complete this vision, we are asking for your help! A gift from you or your organization may help a patient with food insecurity access fresh, healthy produce to help treat a medical disorder, it may help provide transportation for a patient to attend a medical appointment they otherwise would have missed, or it may help with the renovations on the new building that will provide medical access to hundreds of individuals who desperately need it! Please help us continue to serve this amazing community that we are immensely proud to be a part of.


This building has a long history as a commercial property. The exterior is limestone covered with mastic, a form of cement used as protection or weatherproofing of masonry. The High Victorian styling includes bracketed eaves and arched braiding over the upper windows. A signboard is indented between the upper floors. 注意街道门口的铁柱子.

从1860年到1880年代末, William Robertson (and later his sons) ran a wholesale grocery store at what was once known as 611 and 613 水圣eet. 而奥. Robertson was originally from Northumberland, England, his neighbors in 1886 were of German descent. The Active Turners met on the second floor of  Fisher’s Hall to the east of Robertson’s Grocery, and the Turner Hall Hotel was just down the street, as seen in this 1886 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map.

在19世纪90年代早期, George and John Esch ran a store that sold draperies and carpets at 611 and 613 水街. 从1898年到1908年,T.C. Adams, and later his son Robert Adams, sold flour and feed at 611 水街. Many  local residents will recall that the Gallagher Brothers ran a granary at this location from about 1911 until 1950. The business operated as an outlet for Gallagher’s Mill in Venice, Ohio. In 1915 the street number was changed to 149 East 水街. From the mid 1950s to the mid 1970s the Merrill Mank Plumbing Company was in business here. For a time, Lake Erie Rusco sold storm doors and windows at this location.


Click an image below to view updates on interior construction. The estimated date of completion for this project is in Fall 2023. Be sure to check back often to stay updated on the latest!


We appreciate your consideration to donate to 家庭必威betwat服务. Your donation will support our 任务 to provide quality, affordable health care to all in our community and surrounding areas. Any donation above $250 will be recognized with a receipt.